Caps Grille

Caps Grille

Restaurants in Minneapolis, MN


Contact us


5000 Hiawatha Ave.,
Minneapolis , MN 55417 UNITED STATES


Caps Grille 612-722-2277
5000 Hiawatha Ave.,
Minneapolis , MN 55417 UNITED STATES
Caps Grille 4

Based on 1 reviews

Caps Grille 612-722-2277
5000 Hiawatha Ave.,
Minneapolis , MN 55417 UNITED STATES
4 5

It Is What It Is

It's a pretty no frills place. The wait staff doesn't pretend they think you are the most exciting individual on earth. Seat yourself. They'll get to you in a reasonable amount of time. The selection is limited. (To me that's a good...
posted at 03/20/11

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Caps Grille
4.0 (1 reviews)
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