Buckys Muffler Brakes & Radiators Buckys Brake Pad

Buckys Muffler Brakes & Radiators Buckys Brake Pad

Auto Repair in Auburn, WA

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701 37th St Ne.,
Auburn , WA 98002 UNITED STATES


Buckys Muffler Brakes & Radiators Buckys Brake Pad 253-833-4036
701 37th St Ne.,
Auburn , WA 98002 UNITED STATES
Buckys Muffler Brakes & Radiators Buckys Brake Pad 4

Based on 6 reviews

Buckys Muffler Brakes & Radiators Buckys Brake Pad 253-833-4036
701 37th St Ne.,
Auburn , WA 98002 UNITED STATES
4 5

Above & Beyond

I was very impressed that the Auburn store went above and beyond when I brought my vehicle in for an oil change. The tech?s at Auburn noticed my muffler was hanging down, so they fixed it up for free...
posted at 02/27/11
Buckys Muffler Brakes & Radiators Buckys Brake Pad 253-833-4036
701 37th St Ne.,
Auburn , WA 98002 UNITED STATES
4 5

stay away

I was given an estimate for repair. It just so happened that the quote was low and the manager there had a fit. he was mad that he had to honor the price. I dropped off my car and with in 5 minuted I ...
posted at 06/30/10
Buckys Muffler Brakes & Radiators Buckys Brake Pad 253-833-4036
701 37th St Ne.,
Auburn , WA 98002 UNITED STATES
4 5

thanks bucky's

good work at a good price. I have been taking my car here for years. they got new people in this store. really good people. they will do the job right. thanks bucky's
posted at 05/05/10
Buckys Muffler Brakes & Radiators Buckys Brake Pad 253-833-4036
701 37th St Ne.,
Auburn , WA 98002 UNITED STATES
4 5

thanks buckys

excellent treatment at the Fife store! I was taken care of ?above and beyond what he expected?. Receivied additional services at no charge. Im very satisfied with the Fife store and will continue to v...
posted at 02/17/11
Buckys Muffler Brakes & Radiators Buckys Brake Pad 253-833-4036
701 37th St Ne.,
Auburn , WA 98002 UNITED STATES
4 5

they do good work

I took my car to three other shops and they couldn't find the problem. Well buck's did and fix it for a good price.
posted at 04/11/10
Buckys Muffler Brakes & Radiators Buckys Brake Pad 253-833-4036
701 37th St Ne.,
Auburn , WA 98002 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great service!

not only did they get my car running better but i got my oil changed cheaper than i could do it myself.
posted at 02/22/11

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Buckys Muffler Brakes & Radiators Buckys Brake Pad
Auto Repair
4.0 (6 reviews)
auto mechanic
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Buckys Muffler Brakes & Radiators Buckys Brake Pad

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