Blum Lew Towing

Blum Lew Towing

Auto Repair in Philadelphia, PA

Auto Repair Towing

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1130 N 40th St.,
Philadelphia , PA 19104 UNITED STATES


Blum Lew Towing 215-222-6031
1130 N 40th St.,
Philadelphia , PA 19104 UNITED STATES
Blum Lew Towing 2.3333333333333

Based on 3 reviews

Blum Lew Towing 215-222-6031
1130 N 40th St.,
Philadelphia , PA 19104 UNITED STATES
1 5

lew blum stinks

in fact while we all understand that towing does need to happen (and could almost on paper be defended) the reality is this: monsters run this place. google it, and bunches agree. 'only cash?' uh...that must be legal, right?

anyway - it...
posted at 01/30/10
Blum Lew Towing 215-222-6031
1130 N 40th St.,
Philadelphia , PA 19104 UNITED STATES
5 5

no parking

lets get the record straight we at Lew Blum Towing co inc
we don't own the properties we Tow from. property owners call us to Tow away vehicles that block or park on private if anyone can not read 36x36 or 18x 18 inch sign...
posted at 06/02/11
Blum Lew Towing 215-222-6031
1130 N 40th St.,
Philadelphia , PA 19104 UNITED STATES
1 5

Did I mention...

That these people are godless, conscience-free A-Wads that take your money with a smile and a smirk and couldn't care less how much strife and social discordance they cause? Yes, I hate them. And I regularly only strive to fill my life...
posted at 01/28/10

Detail information

Company name
Blum Lew Towing
Auto Repair
2.3 (3 reviews)
auto body repairs,  fix car dent,  auto collision radiator repair
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