B MS of Waukesha Inc.

B MS of Waukesha Inc.

Auto Repair in Waukesha, WI

Auto Repair

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1544 E North St.,
Waukesha , WI 53188 UNITED STATES


B MS of Waukesha Inc. 262-542-5090
1544 E North St.,
Waukesha , WI 53188 UNITED STATES
B MS of Waukesha Inc. 4

Based on 3 reviews

B MS of Waukesha Inc. 262-542-5090
1544 E North St.,
Waukesha , WI 53188 UNITED STATES
4 5

best place in town

after reading the negative comment left here i had to speak up.old school reliable honest reasonable
posted at 07/12/10
B MS of Waukesha Inc. 262-542-5090
1544 E North St.,
Waukesha , WI 53188 UNITED STATES
4 5

New Owner Very Impressive

3/23/11: I was towed to BMS as it was near and a friend had recently recommended them. My entire bill, $13.86. I was out of gas (don't judge, the gas gauge was not working and John informed me the tank was leaking at mid-seam)! I...
posted at 03/25/11
B MS of Waukesha Inc. 262-542-5090
1544 E North St.,
Waukesha , WI 53188 UNITED STATES
4 5

Good prices and service

I have been using BMS for a long time and have been very satisfied. The first reviewers comments are however, had been unfortunately true. The place was smokey and dirty but the prices were right and I always found the service to be good....
posted at 03/22/10

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Company name
B MS of Waukesha Inc.
Auto Repair
4.0 (3 reviews)
auto body repairs,  car audio installation,  auto electrical auto mechanic
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B MS of Waukesha Inc.

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