Williams Autotech

Williams Autotech

Auto Repair in Folsom, CA

Auto Repair

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1126 Sibley St., A
Folsom , CA 95630 UNITED STATES


Williams Autotech 916-985-0274
1126 Sibley St., A
Folsom , CA 95630 UNITED STATES
Williams Autotech 3

Based on 2 reviews

Williams Autotech 916-985-0274
1126 Sibley St., A
Folsom , CA 95630 UNITED STATES
1 5

Ripped me off

Be wary. I called to find out if they could do a 30K service on my subaru forester and was given an estimate in the mid $400s about the same price as the dealer. I brought the car in and the paperwork was $461 for the estimate. I received...
posted at 05/17/11
Williams Autotech 916-985-0274
1126 Sibley St., A
Folsom , CA 95630 UNITED STATES
5 5

good price, good service

The smog service regular price compares to specials of other places (price includes cert). I received $10 off so it was even better. The people are nice. The service was fast. In addition, I have rented UHAUL multiple times without...
posted at 10/07/10

Detail information

Company name
Williams Autotech
Auto Repair
3.0 (2 reviews)
auto tune up,  auto diagnostics,  car mechanic radiator repair
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