Softtouch Medical LLC

Softtouch Medical LLC

Lawn & Garden Equipment in Kennesaw, GA

Lawn & Garden Equipment

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1950 Barrett Lakes Blvd Nw., 2216
Kennesaw , GA 30144 UNITED STATES


Softtouch Medical LLC 770-792-8615
1950 Barrett Lakes Blvd Nw., 2216
Kennesaw , GA 30144 UNITED STATES
Softtouch Medical LLC 4

Based on 1 reviews

Softtouch Medical LLC 770-792-8615
1950 Barrett Lakes Blvd Nw., 2216
Kennesaw , GA 30144 UNITED STATES
4 5

Friendly Workers

My child was born with feeding difficulties and a nurse recommended Soft Touch. I have now been with them for about 4 years now and although I have had a few problems (like any other company) overall the company is very kind, and...
posted at 06/27/11

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Company name
Softtouch Medical LLC
Lawn & Garden Equipment
4.0 (1 reviews)
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Softtouch Medical LLC

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