Snippet's Mini Cuts Inc.

Snippet's Mini Cuts Inc.

Beauty & Spas in Northbrook, IL

Beauty & Spas Beauty Salons and Services

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2240 Northbrook Ct.,
Northbrook , IL 60062 UNITED STATES


Snippet's Mini Cuts Inc. 847-498-4543
2240 Northbrook Ct.,
Northbrook , IL 60062 UNITED STATES
Snippet's Mini Cuts Inc. 1

Based on 1 reviews

Snippet's Mini Cuts Inc. 847-498-4543
2240 Northbrook Ct.,
Northbrook , IL 60062 UNITED STATES
1 5

Heartless Stylist

Horrible, insensitive, uncaring, unfriendly stylists here that dont know how to soothe or befriend their baby/toddler clients. Aside from the car and train seats it's like they don't have any experience dealing with children. The stylist...
posted at 04/12/11

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Company name
Snippet's Mini Cuts Inc.
Beauty & Spas
1.0 (1 reviews)
beauty shops,  skincare cosmetics,  beauty salons skin care
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Snippet's Mini Cuts Inc.

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