Sky Collision II

Sky Collision II

Auto Repair in Loganville, GA

Auto Repair Body Shops

Contact us


3374 Langley Rd.,
Loganville , GA 30052 UNITED STATES


Sky Collision II 678-475-7499
3374 Langley Rd.,
Loganville , GA 30052 UNITED STATES
Sky Collision II 1

Based on 1 reviews

Sky Collision II 678-475-7499
3374 Langley Rd.,
Loganville , GA 30052 UNITED STATES
1 5

Cheap but bad service

I messed up my hood on my car and got Sky to replace it for about $50 less then local competitors. its been about a year and the paint on my hood looks horrible. It is all faded has sun spots while the rest of my paint on my car is...
posted at 07/04/11

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Company name
Sky Collision II
Auto Repair
1.0 (1 reviews)
auto painting,  car audio installation,  fix car scratch fix car paint
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