Mcswain's Garage

Mcswain's Garage

Auto Repair in Garland, TX

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories Transmissions and Engines

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121 Austin St.,
Garland , TX 75040 UNITED STATES


Mcswain's Garage 972-276-3033
121 Austin St.,
Garland , TX 75040 UNITED STATES
Mcswain's Garage 5

Based on 3 reviews

Mcswain's Garage 972-276-3033
121 Austin St.,
Garland , TX 75040 UNITED STATES
5 5

Superb Service

McSwain's Garage came to me under recommendation by another car club member. I was frustrated with the difficulty in finding a shop that welcomed my antique car. My car's engine had been shoddily rebuilt by another shop before I bought...
posted at 01/22/10
Mcswain's Garage 972-276-3033
121 Austin St.,
Garland , TX 75040 UNITED STATES
5 5

Great service at a good price

I have been using McSwain garage in Garland for over 10 years. They provide excellent service and at a fair price. The kind of place I take me car, drop it off with the keys, tell Eldon to fix it, and not worry about how I will be taken...
posted at 03/19/10
Mcswain's Garage 972-276-3033
121 Austin St.,
Garland , TX 75040 UNITED STATES
5 5

Superb Service

McSwain's Garage came to me under recommendation by another car club member. I was frustrated with the difficulty in finding a shop that welcomed my antique car. My car's engine had been shoddily rebuilt by another shop before I bought...
posted at 01/21/10

Detail information

Company name
Mcswain's Garage
Auto Repair
5.0 (3 reviews)
auto diagnostics,  auto electrical,  car fixing
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