Kenar Pet Resort

Kenar Pet Resort

Pet Stores in Carmichael, CA

Pet Stores Dog Breeders Pet Care and Grooming

Contact us


3633 Garfield Ave.,
Carmichael , CA 95608 UNITED STATES


Kenar Pet Resort 916-487-5221
3633 Garfield Ave.,
Carmichael , CA 95608 UNITED STATES
Kenar Pet Resort 5

Based on 1 reviews

Kenar Pet Resort 916-487-5221
3633 Garfield Ave.,
Carmichael , CA 95608 UNITED STATES
5 5

A Wonderful Friend!

Lilly, my large rambunctious German Shepherd puppy has been staying there since I first got her. She specially likes Doggy Day Camp where she gets to go and play outside with her friends - a group of selected compatible dogs that are well...
posted at 01/13/10

Detail information

Company name
Kenar Pet Resort
Pet Stores
5.0 (1 reviews)
pet store,  pets paws,  pets supply pet grooming
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Kenar Pet Resort

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