Firestone Complete Auto Care

Firestone Complete Auto Care

Auto Repair in Portland, OR

Auto Repair Tires

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815 W Burnside St.,
Portland , OR 97209 UNITED STATES


Firestone Complete Auto Care 503-228-9268
815 W Burnside St.,
Portland , OR 97209 UNITED STATES
Firestone Complete Auto Care 5

Based on 2 reviews

Firestone Complete Auto Care 503-228-9268
815 W Burnside St.,
Portland , OR 97209 UNITED STATES
5 5

Outstanding Customer Service

This establishment is one of a kind. The Service Manager, Catrina, is amazing. She is extremely knowledgeable & very helpful. I have bought tire chains there and had my battery checked. I am never disappointed when I visit them.
posted at 02/21/11
Firestone Complete Auto Care 503-228-9268
815 W Burnside St.,
Portland , OR 97209 UNITED STATES
5 5

Knows their stuff

I was needing advice on tires and called this store at random and spoke to a very helpful woman who was able to advise me very well even though I was not a customer and there was not necessarily a sale on the line for them. I will...
posted at 07/31/10

Detail information

Company name
Firestone Complete Auto Care
Auto Repair
5.0 (2 reviews)
auto tune up,  car fixing,  fix car paint auto service
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