Bill Rhodes Bakery At Hamilton Mill

Bill Rhodes Bakery At Hamilton Mill

Bakeries in Buford, GA


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3238 Tuggle Ives Dr.,
Buford , GA 30519 UNITED STATES


Bill Rhodes Bakery At Hamilton Mill 770-904-2253
3238 Tuggle Ives Dr.,
Buford , GA 30519 UNITED STATES
Bill Rhodes Bakery At Hamilton Mill 2

Based on 1 reviews

Bill Rhodes Bakery At Hamilton Mill 770-904-2253
3238 Tuggle Ives Dr.,
Buford , GA 30519 UNITED STATES
2 5

Bad Customer Service

I will NOT be using or recommending Rhodes Bakery in the future. I have had several good experiences in the past, and I had never had a complaint. I chose to order my wedding and groom's cake from them. The wedding cake was great, but the...
posted at 06/24/11

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Bill Rhodes Bakery At Hamilton Mill
2.0 (1 reviews)
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Bill Rhodes Bakery At Hamilton Mill

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