Bill & Gary's Automotive

Bill & Gary's Automotive

Auto Repair in Eugene, OR

Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories Wholesalers

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1641 W 6th Ave,
Eugene , OR 97402 UNITED STATES


Bill & Gary's Automotive 541-343-3615
1641 W 6th Ave,
Eugene , OR 97402 UNITED STATES
Bill & Gary's Automotive 5

Based on 1 reviews

Bill & Gary's Automotive 541-343-3615
1641 W 6th Ave,
Eugene , OR 97402 UNITED STATES
5 5

5 Stars all the way

My car broke down and a friend told me to go to Bill and Gary's! So I did...I was not sure about them(location)but Gary made me feel welcomed. And when he told me what was wrong and the cost...That was scary, but he was willing to take...
posted at 04/27/11

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Bill & Gary's Automotive
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