Mei Yuedi

Mei Yuedi

Restaurants in Ossian, IN

Restaurants Chinese Restaurants

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1130 Dehner Dr,
Ossian , IN 46777 UNITED STATES


Mei Yuedi 260-622-6613
1130 Dehner Dr,
Ossian , IN 46777 UNITED STATES
Mei Yuedi 5

Based on 1 reviews

Mei Yuedi 260-622-6613
1130 Dehner Dr,
Ossian , IN 46777 UNITED STATES
5 5

China Wok is World Class.

Good authentic food. Like the prices and the egg rolls are pretty good. I like the selection and we know they are from the old world and can do it like they do there too spicy some times.
posted at 01/09/10

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Mei Yuedi
5.0 (1 reviews)
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